
Answers to Self-Evaluation Test.

1. My eyes. I love how they are shaped like almonds.
2. I don't really dislike it or anything but I always wish to have longer eyelashes. But I love `em just the way they are.
4. I dunno. Crazy, I guess?
5. In different ways. I consider myself as rude because I follow what I want and not listen to others but I am nice when it comes to giving something to make someone happy.
6. I see myself as a successful woman with a husband living happily ever after.
7. I think I won't change. I would still be the boyish girl you've known and still be quirky and fun.
8. YEP! I am a Leo and I am definitely is.
9. Naaah. I like myself and I won't change just because others hate me.
10. How I want to have a bestfriend.
11. How I loath being in school.

  • My college examination result.
  • How things weren't going to be the same.
  • What others are thinking of me.
  • What will my parents think if I told them I don't want to go to school anymore.
  • Some things that I'm not sure about.
  • I will try to be positive and wait patiently for it.
  • Deal with it.
  • I will just be myself at all times. If they hate me for what I am, I'll find people who's gonna love me for who I am.
  • Just think that this term will end in a month.
  • Move on. Life is easy.
14. I am Kristina Jonas Espino Mendoza. I am a child of God. Parent's youngest child and the sister of two brothers. I am me. Unique and imperfect.
15. I learned to know myself more.

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